How To Remove Calcium Buildup on Night Guard
According to Colgate, “Calcium deposits” or buildup can be commonly referred to as tartar or calculus. These are hardened layers of plaque or dental biofilm. When you wear a night guard, that plaque and biofilm may be transferred onto the guard after use. How to remove calcium buildup on night guard is simple and easy […]
How To Fix Lockjaw
Tetanus is commonly known as “lockjaw” and according to the CDC, “is an infection caused by bacteria called Clostridium tetani. When these bacteria enter the body, they produce a toxin that causes painful muscle contractions. It often causes a person’s neck and jaw muscles to lock, making it hard to pen the mouth or swallow. […]
What to do When You Have a TMJ Flare Up
Anxiety and stress are the main causes of teeth grinding and clenching otherwise known as temporomandibular (TMJ). It may always be in the back of your mind when thinking about your day. The more you fret and worry about it the more likely you will have a TMJ flare up. Here are some solutions for […]
How Long Does TMJ Last?
According to the Mayo Clinic, the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. There are people who suffer from TMJ which means they grind or clench their teeth together either throughout the day subconsciously, or while they sleep. […]
Can I Use Gua Sha For TMJ?
Gua Sha has been around for many centuries and has been perfected by Chinese traditionalists who use it as a way of practicing medicine and healing. Acupuncturists may use gua sha to promote healing, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation in your body. People who deal with TMJ know the inflammation and soreness that are often […]
Can TMJ Cause Dizziness?
According to the Mayo Clinic, the definition of Dizziness is “a term used to describe a range of sensations, such as feeling faint, woozy, weak or unsteady. Dizziness that creates the false sense that you or your surroundings are spinning or moving is called vertigo.” Dizziness can be triggered by certain movements like walking, standing […]
How To Tell If You Grind Your Teeth At Night
Teeth grinding is becoming more and more common in adults due to stress, anxiety, and other factors. Nearly 20 percent of adults are grinding their teeth at night but many don’t understand their symptoms or how to prevent this dangerous habit. Let’s take a look at how to tell if you grind your teeth at […]
Mouth Guard Rubbing Gums? Here’s How to Avoid the Issue.
Mouth guards are meant to protect your teeth from grinding, clenching, or during sports. There are night guards that you wear at night to prevent damage done by grinding and clenching. There are also sports mouth guards that athletes wear to protect themselves from light and heavy contact sports. If you choose the wrong mouth […]
How To Prevent Nerve Pain From Grinding Teeth
Peripheral neuropathy otherwise known as nerve damage can happen in your mouth after excessive teeth grinding. Nerve pain from grinding teeth is a common side effect of clenching or grinding your teeth. It’s a serious issue that can cause massive damage and require expensive repairs. The best way to prevent nerve pain from grinding teeth […]
The Reason Your Bite Feels Weird After A New Night Guard
You’ve been struggling with teeth grinding for years waking up with a sore jaw or morning headaches. When you visit your dentist and receive a dental exam it’s determined that you need a night guard to protect yourself against Bruxism. You have it crafted and wear it for a few weeks but something feels strange. […]