Why Do My Bottom Teeth Hurt at Night?
Why do your bottom teeth hurt at night? There are a variety of different explanations for this painful experience. Some problems may be relieved with common solutions, while others may require more serious work. In this article, we’ll discuss different reasons why bottom teeth may hurt extra at night. As your body winds down from […]
How Do I Know If My Night Guard Fits Properly?
You went to your dentist after some soreness and sensitivity in your teeth and after the examination, your dentist informs you that you’ll need a night guard. This device is designed to protect your teeth from grinding and clenching and will save your teeth from severe damage that will need to be repaired. You have […]
Does Dental Insurance Cover Night Guards?
Night guards are designed to protect your teeth against grinding and clenching. They are the number one recommended prevention against these dangerous oral habits that can damage your teeth permanently. Your dentist may suggest you wear one at night, but teeth grinding guards can be expensive if crafted by the dentist. Does dental insurance cover […]
Tips For Getting Nightguard From Dentist
You wake up in the middle of the night with your teeth throbbing. It’s difficult to eat hot or cold foods and liquids. Your mornings are plagued by headaches that start from sore jaw muscles and then radiate into your temples. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you’re likely grinding your teeth at night and you’ll […]