Why is it Important to Clean Your Mouthguard?

You only wear your mouthguard during a game or practice so it can’t really be that dirty right? Your teeth grinding guard goes in after you brush your teeth at night, so it’s clean right? WRONG!! Whether you wear an athletic mouthguard for sports or a nighttime guard for teeth grinding, proper care is essential […]

7 Tips for Life with a Retainer

You made it through the months or years of orthodontic treatment and have a beautiful smile to show for it. Now comes the important part! Making sure that your smile stays in top shape. Along with great oral hygiene, this means wearing a retainer. Your orthodontist more than likely told you to wear your retainer […]

Teeth Whitening vs. Bleaching: What’s the Difference?

If you aren’t happy with the appearance of your teeth, chances are you have considered teeth whitening or bleaching. Whether they are yellow or dingy in color or have discoloring stains, teeth whitening and bleaching can help. While both terms are often used interchangeably, there really is a difference. So, which one do you need […]

5 Reasons to Buy Your Mouthguard Online

Mouthguards, whether for sports or for nighttime teeth grinding, are often an essential part of good oral health. While both varieties offer over the counter or boil and bite options, custom-fit mouthguards offer the best dental protection. Unfortunately, getting your mouthguard through your dentist can be time-consuming and costly. The good news is SportingSmiles offers […]

How Much Do Essix Retainers Cost?

Wearing a retainer after braces or other orthodontic treatment helps to keep your teeth in their new position and help you maintain your beautiful new smile. While there are a few different types of retainers, dentists often recommend the Essix retainer as it provides a slim, almost invisible look, allowing you to be able to […]

Are There Physical Signs of Teeth Grinding?

Bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, is a common condition where you grind or clench your teeth during sleep. While the exact cause of the condition is not known, it is often related to stress, medications, or sleep disorders. But, if you do this during your sleep, how do you know if you are grinding your […]

Are Retainers Really Necessary?

You finally got your braces off! Your teeth are finally straight and all you want to do it show off your beautiful smile. But then the orthodontist informs you that your work is not done. You have to wear a retainer, all day, every day for at least the next few months and maybe up […]

Mouthguards: Why Does Mine Make Me Gag?

You know that wearing an athletic mouthguard helps to protect your teeth during sports. In many cases, a mouthguard is even a required piece of your sporting equipment. But every time you put your mouthguard in, you gag. Gagging is a very uncomfortable experience and obviously doesn’t help your athletic performance. The good news is […]

Mouthguards: Different Types for Different Reasons

When you hear the word “mouthguard,” what do you think of? For many people, it takes them back to their high school years and those horrible stock mouthguards they had to wear during football or another contact sport. But the truth is, mouthguards come in many varieties, many forms, and work to protect the teeth […]

Can My Retainer Cause Bad Breath?

Can your morning breath knock your partner out? Do you feel as though a room clears the minute you open your mouth? Everyone experiences bad breath at some point in their life, so you aren’t alone. Experts estimate that approximately 30 percent of the population has chronic bad breath. However, if you notice that your breath […]

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