How Do I Select the Right Night Guard for Me?

Do you suffer from teeth grinding, or bruxism? The easiest way to combat the symptoms is to wear night guards. They are also commonly referred to as teeth grinding guards. But how do you select the right night guard? There are two types of night guards available. Over-the-counter night guards can be purchased from most […]

You Need A Mouthguard For Weight Lifting

Weight lifting has evolved over the last 100 years as the sport and exercise became increasingly popular. It was first introduced as a sport in the 1896 Olympics and since then has become a staple around the world for athletes after becoming its own event in the 1920 Olympics. There are many different forms of […]

Bruxism Has Severely Increased During The Pandemic. Do You Do It?

What is Bruxism? Bruxism is defined by John Hopkins’ Medicine as a symptom in which you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth. You may clench and grind your teeth during the day or at night while you sleep. You may not even realize you have it. According to the ADA Health Policy Institute published in September of […]

Bleachorexia: Can You Whiten Your Teeth Too Much?

Can you whiten your teeth too much? Yes. According to statistics, cosmetic teeth whitening is a $3.2 billion global industry, with people striving to achieve that perfect, bright, white smile. However, with the variety of whitening products available over the counter and the easy access, some people are taking teeth whitening to the extreme. This […]

Orthodontic Retainers: Should My Retainer Hurt to Wear?

You spent months or years wearing braces to straighten your teeth and smile. The purpose of your retainer is to keep those teeth in place. Wearing your orthodontic retainer is not supposed to hurt, however, sometimes a retainer can contribute to pain and discomfort. Determining why your retainer is causing pain helps you and your […]

Why Does Teeth Grinding Cause Headaches?

Do you wake up every morning with a headache or pain in your jaw? Are you hearing a clicking sound in your jaw? Do you suffer from headaches throughout the day? While a variety of different conditions can contribute to headaches, regular headaches may have more to do with your oral health than you would […]

Can Mouthguards Cause Gum Recession?

When you think of mouthguards, you think of protecting your teeth. Whether wearing an athletic guard during a football game or a nighttime guard to prevent damage from teeth grinding, your primary goal is to protect your teeth. But, did you know that the same mouthguard can actually cause damage to your teeth and gums? […]

Why Doesn’t My Retainer Fit Anymore?

Wearing a retainer is an important part of your orthodontic work. It helps keep your teeth in place after months or even years of wearing braces. But what happens when you go to put your retainer in your mouth, only to find that it doesn’t fit anymore? Should you just put it in your mouth […]

Gagging On Teeth Grinding Guards

Teeth grinding is a problem that affects at least 8% of adults in America. Sufferers can experience tooth flattening, loss of enamel, and even cracking. It is also associated with jaw pain and migraines. It can also be difficult for partners of people who grind their teeth, as it can be quite loud and usually […]

Can You Use Your FSA To Get Retainers?

At Sporting Smiles, we are always looking for ways to bring maximum value to our customers and save you money whenever possible. One way to save money that many people overlook is properly making use of their Flexible Spending Account (FSA). FSA accounts are specialized accounts that allow you to put money aside for certain […]