Can I Wear a Sports Mouthguard with Braces?

As an athlete, a mouthguard might be a regular part of your uniform. But you just got braces and you are worried these may keep you sitting on the sideline this season. The good news is, that’s not the case. However, you will need to make some adjustments for your braces when it comes to […]

4 Signs It is Time to Replace Your Mouth Guard

As an athlete, your mouthguard is often a regular part of your equipment. While you might change your cleats as they wear down, how do you know when it is time to replace your mouthguard? While mouthguards are meant to be durable, they do wear down and need replacement. These four signs will help you […]

Cavities: Why Cleaning Your Essix Retainer Is Important

You spent lots of time and money for orthodontic treatment to straighten your teeth and give you a beautiful smile. Now, you wear your Essix retainer to help retain that smile. In many ways, your retainer is insurance for your teeth. But, in order to keep your teeth in place and healthy, you must take […]

Essix Versus Hawley: Are Essix Retainers Better?

Your braces are finally off and you have a beautiful new smile. While many believe this is the end of their orthodontic treatment, this is only a small portion. The next stage is retention and requires the wearing of a retainer. But which retainer is best? When it comes to retainers, there are two main […]

Do Essix Retainers Move Your Teeth?

Essix retainers are a clear molded plastic that fits snugly over your teeth. They look very similar to clear dental aligners used for orthodontic treatments, such as Invisalign. Because of this, many people often wonder if these retainers are able to move teeth. While retainers are designed to keep teeth in place after orthodontic treatment, […]

Are Essix Retainers Comfortable?

It is almost time for your braces to finally come off and reveal your beautiful new smile. However, now you and your orthodontist have to decide on the best retainer to use in order to keep that smile. In many cases, your orthodontist may have a particular retainer that they recommend, but it also comes […]

Are Essix Retainers Effective?

You spent months or years wearing braces to improve your dental alignment and get the beautiful smile you desired. After braces, your retainer is an insurance policy for your teeth, helping you to retain that beautiful smile. So that obviously means you want a retainer that is effective for dental retention! But, at the same […]

Why Athletic Mouthguards Should be Required

No one expects to get injured when playing sports, but it happens. Football players wear pads to protect their bodies and helmets to protect their heads. This is mandatory equipment because we know it works. Unfortunately, most people don’t think about their teeth when it comes to protection and, even though we know it prevents […]

Can I Wear a Teeth Grinding Guard with Braces?

If you wake up with tooth pain, headaches, or a sore jaw, chances are you are grinding your teeth at night. In many cases, this nighttime grinding is caused by misaligned teeth, but it can also be caused by stress, certain medications, and even sleep apnea. In cases of misaligned teeth, braces are often recommended […]

Athletic Mouthguards Won’t Work for Teeth Grinding

At your last visit to the dentist, they mentioned you were showing signs of teeth grinding and might need a mouthguard to protect your teeth. As an active athlete, you assumed your athletic mouthguard would do the trick. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While both types of guards are designed to protect your teeth, athletic […]