Bleachorexia: Can You Whiten Your Teeth Too Much?

Can you whiten your teeth too much? Yes. According to statistics, cosmetic teeth whitening is a $3.2 billion global industry, with people striving to achieve that perfect, bright, white smile. However, with the variety of whitening products available over the counter and the easy access, some people are taking teeth whitening to the extreme. This […]

Orthodontic Retainers: Should My Retainer Hurt to Wear?

You spent months or years wearing braces to straighten your teeth and smile. The purpose of your retainer is to keep those teeth in place. Wearing your orthodontic retainer is not supposed to hurt, however, sometimes a retainer can contribute to pain and discomfort. Determining why your retainer is causing pain helps you and your […]

Why Does Teeth Grinding Cause Headaches?

Do you wake up every morning with a headache or pain in your jaw? Are you hearing a clicking sound in your jaw? Do you suffer from headaches throughout the day? While a variety of different conditions can contribute to headaches, regular headaches may have more to do with your oral health than you would […]

Can Mouthguards Cause Gum Recession?

When you think of mouthguards, you think of protecting your teeth. Whether wearing an athletic guard during a football game or a nighttime guard to prevent damage from teeth grinding, your primary goal is to protect your teeth. But, did you know that the same mouthguard can actually cause damage to your teeth and gums? […]

Why Doesn’t My Retainer Fit Anymore?

Wearing a retainer is an important part of your orthodontic work. It helps keep your teeth in place after months or even years of wearing braces. But what happens when you go to put your retainer in your mouth, only to find that it doesn’t fit anymore? Should you just put it in your mouth […]

Is At-Home Teeth Whitening Safe?

If your teeth have lost their vibrancy or you notice they have a yellow or dingy appearance, chances are you have considered teeth whitening. With a recent survey showing 99.7 percent of people believe that an attractive smile is an important asset, it is easy to understand how Americans spend over $1.4 billion a year […]

Will I Have to Wear My Retainer Forever?

You have spent months or years in braces or wearing Invisalign in order to shift your teeth, improve your bite, and improve your smile. You look forward to the day when treatment is over and your braces come off, revealing a brand new, beautiful smile. Unfortunately, that’s when you learn about retainers and that your […]

Which Sports Require Mouthguards?

When it comes to sports, many studies show that mouthguards are effective in reducing the risk of orofacial injuries, such as broken or lost teeth and even concussions. Unfortunately, while mouthguards are recommended for many sports, they are still not mandated for most, leaving many children and adults unprotected. When it comes to mouthguard use, […]

My Retainer Smells Bad. What Can I Do?

You went to put in your retainer before bed, but when you opened the case a horrible smell jumped out at you. What in the world happened to your retainer during the day? Can retainers really rot? While it isn’t uncommon for retainers to develop a smell, there is something you can do about it, […]

4 Reasons to Wear Your Retainer

You spent many months, or even years, wearing braces to improve your dental alignment and smile. In addition, you probably spent a pretty penny for braces or Invisalign. Now the big day comes when the braces come off and your teeth are free. But not really. The next phase of your treatment involves wearing a […]