6 Awesome Benefits of Wearing an Essix Retainer

When it comes to keeping a perfect smile, an essix retainer is a must. An essix retainer comes after the time you’ve put in wearing braces and helps you maintain a perfect smile for years and years to come.

Today, there are many different kinds of retainers available to consumers. Each of these different varieties comes with certain advantages and disadvantages. One of the most popular kinds of retainers is the Essix retainer.

There’s a reason people of all ages love and prefer Essix retainers. Read on, and we’ll walk you through a few amazing benefits.

What Is An Essix Retainer?

Orthodontic retainers come in a few different forms. Some are fixed to the mouth, and others are removable and worn only at night. Essix retainers are of the removable variety. They come in a transparent plastic form that fits neatly over one’s teeth.

These retainers are typically molded to match a patient’s teeth exactly, so there is a tight and snug fit to them. Though you may not notice your teeth move, they often do and will without proper supervision.

The tight molding of an Essix retainer prevents movement and keeps your teeth (and therefore, your perfect smile) in place.

Essix retainers are typically worn overnight but can be taken off during the day. They can be stored in a small plastic case and kept in your nightstand for ease of access before bed.

The Benefits of An Essix Retainer

Less Noticeable Design

While most people wear their retainers overnight, there are some instances where retainers might need to be worn in the daytime or out-and-about. This is especially true in the weeks immediately following one’s braces coming off.

The clear design of Essix retainers is much more preferable to many patients than the traditional wire-based model. Unless someone is very close to your face, they might not even realize that you are wearing a retainer.

After a long period of wearing braces, people are excited and ready to show off their new perfect smile. The clear nature helps them do that without getting anything in the way.

Oral Hygiene Is Easy

The removable nature of an Essix retainer means that maintaining good oral hygiene is easy. Wire-based retainers and other models can make it difficult to properly brush one’s teeth or floss.

With an Essix retainer, you can simply remove the plastic molding and clean your teeth as you normally would. There’s nothing about the design that creates a cumbersome hygiene situation.

Better Results

Many people who have worn Essix retainers will swear by the results. They do a great job of maintaining the perfect smile of an individual. The results from this type of retainer are typically better than some other varieties.

How and why? Individualized molding is the key.

Essix retainers fit better than other types of retainers, meaning that they prevent movement or change more efficiently than any other oral option. At SportingSmiles, we offer both Essix and Exxix Plus upper and lower retainers

If you want to ensure that your new smile remains unchanged, you will want to look at this option.

Easy To Clean

Not only do Essix retainers allow an easy clean for your teeth, but they are easy to keep clean as well. Brushing them under warm running water can help to rid it of any food or bacteria from your mouth.

There are many deep cleaning solutions that can be used once or twice a month to ‘deep clean’ a retainer. After such a clean, it’ll be like your dental product is brand new. These cleaners take mere minutes and are low-stress.

Cleaning comes with tons of options and it doesn’t take much effort to give a deep cleaning.

Easier To Eat And Drink

The removable nature of an Essix retainer has other benefits as well. With wire retainers or other forms, it can be difficult to eat or drink in the months following the removal of your braces.

There is no such problem when you’re using an Essix retainer. Need to chow down into something a little challenging or messy? Simply take it off and put it in a case.

You can then eat, clean your teeth, and put the retainer back on as if nothing has happened. With a fixed retainer, navigating the world of food and drink can be a little more stressful. Cleaning following such meals can become a little more involved.

Essix Retainers Are Durable

An Essix retainer can vary in price, but usually, are somewhere between $50 and $300 in price. While that may sound like a lot upfront, that cost is going to be spread out over many months and years of use.

As long as a wearer keeps up with and cares for their retainer, an Essix model can last up to anywhere between three and five years. That’s a long lifetime and helps put the initial cost into a better context.

These premium affordable retainers are a relatively inexpensive solution that can keep your smile looking great for years and years to come.

Crafting A Perfect Smile

Retainers can be a perfect purchase following the removal of one’s braces. The above benefits are just a few advantages that the Essix retainer can offer.

Interested in learning more? Contact us anytime with questions you may have about the Essix retainer or other forms of oral care.

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