Will Teeth Ever Stop Moving?

The following article has been medically reviewed for factual accuracies and current orthodontic practices by Dr. Febin Mary George, DDS.   Will teeth ever stop moving? The quick answer to this question is no, your teeth are always prone to movement and shifting. While you may not notice it, your teeth will shift and move throughout […]

Bruxism: Do You Grind Your Teeth at Night?

Do you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), but also need a retainer to keep your teeth straight? While particularly common in children, teeth grinding at night (nocturnal bruxism) is estimated to affect more than 8% of adults. Associated with stress, caffeine intake, and sleep apnea, bruxism can cause a number of unwanted side effects. […]

5 Sure Signs Your Teeth Need a Night Guard

Did you know that some 30 to 40 million Americans grind their teeth at night? That’s right! What’s more, many of these individuals aren’t aware of what they’re doing to their teeth and gums. Most only learn of this habit after someone else, like their sleeping partner, tells them about it. Or once they experience the painful […]

How Do I Stop My Teeth from Shifting?

While it may seem like your teeth are firmly attached to your jawbone and locked in place, that is only partially true. Teeth shifting naturally happens as you age, and it is also common after orthodontic treatments. However, there are other factors that can contribute to teeth shifting as well. Luckily, there are a variety […]

Can I Wear a Teeth Grinding Guard with Braces?

If you wake up with tooth pain, headaches, or a sore jaw, chances are you are grinding your teeth at night. In many cases, this nighttime grinding is caused by misaligned teeth, but it can also be caused by stress, certain medications, and even sleep apnea. In cases of misaligned teeth, braces are often recommended […]

Athletic Mouthguards Won’t Work for Teeth Grinding

At your last visit to the dentist, they mentioned you were showing signs of teeth grinding and might need a mouthguard to protect your teeth. As an active athlete, you assumed your athletic mouthguard would do the trick. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While both types of guards are designed to protect your teeth, athletic […]

Teeth Grinding: Can It Cause Cavities?

Your dentist has told you that you suffer from bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding. While you may already know this can cause morning headaches or jaw pain, do you know what it does to your teeth? I mean, teeth are meant to chew right? It can’t be that bad. The truth is, nighttime teeth grinding […]

Teeth Grinding: Can It Change the Shape of My Face?

If you suffer from regular nighttime teeth grinding, you know that this grinding can damage the enamel of your teeth. This damage can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and even tooth loss if left untreated. But did you know that untreated bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, can also change the shape of your face and […]

Do Night Guards Cause Cavities?

You wear your night guard every night in order to protect your teeth from wear and tear associated with bruxism, or teeth grinding. This protection helps reduce the risk of your nighttime grinding damaging your enamel and leading to cavities and tooth decay. But can your night guard actually contribute to tooth decay? The answer […]

Mouthguards: Different Types for Different Reasons

When you hear the word “mouthguard,” what do you think of? For many people, it takes them back to their high school years and those horrible stock mouthguards they had to wear during football or another contact sport. But the truth is, mouthguards come in many varieties, many forms, and work to protect the teeth […]