Are There Physical Signs of Teeth Grinding?

Bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, is a common condition where you grind or clench your teeth during sleep. While the exact cause of the condition is not known, it is often related to stress, medications, or sleep disorders. But, if you do this during your sleep, how do you know if you are grinding your […]

5 Reasons to Buy Your Mouthguard Online

Mouthguards, whether for sports or for nighttime teeth grinding, are often an essential part of good oral health. While both varieties offer over the counter or boil and bite options, custom-fit mouthguards offer the best dental protection. Unfortunately, getting your mouthguard through your dentist can be time-consuming and costly. The good news is SportingSmiles offers […]

Why is it Important to Clean Your Mouthguard?

You only wear your mouthguard during a game or practice so it can’t really be that dirty right? Your teeth grinding guard goes in after you brush your teeth at night, so it’s clean right? WRONG!! Whether you wear an athletic mouthguard for sports or a nighttime guard for teeth grinding, proper care is essential […]

Does Teeth Grinding Affect Your Sleep?

All of us crave a good night’s sleep. We want to go to bed and recover from a busy day, waking up refreshed and ready to face the world. Unfortunately, if you suffer from nighttime teeth grinding, or bruxism, this rejuvenating sleep may be out of your reach. To better understand how teeth grinding can […]

How Much Does It Cost To Get A Night Guard?

If you have been diagnosed with teeth grinding (bruxism), you may be wondering what type of guard is best for your needs and budget. There are many different types of teeth grinding guards with varying costs. The first port of call to identify your night guard needs should be your dentist. However, once you know […]

Top 10 Terms for Teeth Grinding Guards

We understand that sometimes buying your own dental guards online can seem a bit daunting. Going to a dentist might feel like an easier option, but the reality is that it is really quite simple to shop for your own custom teeth grinding guards. It can also save you a lot of money. We have […]

Do I Grind My Teeth When I’m Sleeping?

Most people who suffer from nocturnal teeth grinding are not aware that they grind or clench their teeth while sleeping. And why would they be? Usually, your dentist or a partner will be the one that lets you know that you have a problem. Teeth grinding is also known by the medical term of Bruxism […]

20 Percent Of Americans Grind Their Teeth – Do You?

While there are various reports suggesting that between 8 percent and 31 percent of Americans grind their teeth at night, the accepted percentage usually sits right at 20. There is a good chance that you may be a member of this group. Involuntary grinding of the teeth – also known as bruxism – is frequently […]

How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth?

Do you wake up in the morning with a headache or jaw pain? Has your dentist mentioned that your surface enamel looks worn? Chances are you may suffer from bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding or clenching. According to the American Sleep Association, 10 percent of adults and 15 percent of children in America suffer from bruxism. […]

How Do I Select the Right Night Guard for Me?

Do you suffer from teeth grinding, or bruxism? The easiest way to combat the symptoms is to wear night guards. They are also commonly referred to as teeth grinding guards. But how do you select the right night guard? There are two types of night guards available. Over-the-counter night guards can be purchased from most […]