Bruxism Has Severely Increased During The Pandemic. Do You Do It?

What is Bruxism? Bruxism is defined by John Hopkins’ Medicine as a symptom in which you unconsciously grind or clench your teeth. You may clench and grind your teeth during the day or at night while you sleep. You may not even realize you have it. According to the ADA Health Policy Institute published in September of […]

Why Does Teeth Grinding Cause Headaches?

Do you wake up every morning with a headache or pain in your jaw? Are you hearing a clicking sound in your jaw? Do you suffer from headaches throughout the day? While a variety of different conditions can contribute to headaches, regular headaches may have more to do with your oral health than you would […]

Can Mouthguards Cause Gum Recession?

When you think of mouthguards, you think of protecting your teeth. Whether wearing an athletic guard during a football game or a nighttime guard to prevent damage from teeth grinding, your primary goal is to protect your teeth. But, did you know that the same mouthguard can actually cause damage to your teeth and gums? […]

Gagging On Teeth Grinding Guards

Teeth grinding is a problem that affects at least 8% of adults in America. Sufferers can experience tooth flattening, loss of enamel, and even cracking. It is also associated with jaw pain and migraines. It can also be difficult for partners of people who grind their teeth, as it can be quite loud and usually […]

How to Prevent Further Teeth Shifting

People with straighter teeth appear smarter, more successful, and seem to have more dates. Therefore, if you’re noticing that your teeth are shifting after your braces have been removed, then you need to do something about it quickly. From poor oral health to natural aging, there are a number of causes of teeth shifting. And yet, […]

How Do I Clean My Night Guard

Wondering what’s the best way to give your night guard a deep clean and better understand the importance of keeping your dental products clean? You’ve come to the right place! Sporting Smiles has conducted extensive research into the matter of cleaning night guards and has come away with recommending a few different methods depending on the preference of the […]

Is Bruxism the Same as TMJ?

If you suffer from regular morning headaches or jaw pain, chances are you may have heard the terms “bruxism” or “TMJ” from your doctor or dentist. But what do these terms mean? Are they the same thing or are they connected? While there are similarities between the two conditions, they are both very different conditions […]

Teeth Grinding Guards: How to Adjust to a New Guard

After many mornings of waking up with headaches and jaw pain, your dentist finally explained that signs show you grind your teeth at night. Bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, is a common condition that causes damage to the enamel of the teeth, eventually leading to potential tooth loss and jaw problems. Luckily, your dentist tells […]

Why Do I Grind My Teeth at Night?

Do you wake up with a sore jaw or headaches? Chances are you may be grinding or clenching your teeth at night. Nighttime teeth grinding, also known as sleep bruxism, is a movement disorder that affects 30 to 40 million adults and children in the United States, so you are not alone. Nighttime grinding can […]

Retainer Care 101: How to Properly Care for Your Retainers

You’ve spent months, maybe even years, wearing braces so you can finally enjoy your beautifully straight smile. The last thing you want to do is have all that time wasted by allowing your gorgeous teeth to revert back to their less-than-perfect ways! The solution: orthodontic retainers. Retainers are an essential tool in preserving your beautiful smile. But […]