Retainers and Frequently Asked Questions

Our customers often ask us about the clear Essix retainers that we stock. We understand, there are several options out there and a lot of confusing terms to get to grips with. We thought we would clear things up a little and put together a list of our most retainer FAQs to help you out.  Essix Retainers FAQs: What […]

Fixed Retainer vs Removable Retainer: Which Is Right for You?

When a poll was given to orthodontists on what kind of retainer they prescribed to their patients, a majority of the orthodontics said they prescribed removable retainers over fixed lingual retainers. The results were closer than you might expect. The majority was 58.2% for removable retainers and about 40% gave fixed lingual retainers. Although the results were […]

How Long Do I Wear A Retainer

When the braces come off, many people wonder is how long do they have to wear a retainer to maintain their newly crafted smile. The true answer to “how long do I have to wear a retainer” is a simple yet educated answer. You’ll have to wear your retainer for the rest of your life […]

Dental Glue For Retainers

It’s going to happen, that’s not the issue. Your retainer is going to crack or snap, it’s just a matter of time. Retainers are made from essix plastic and the better you take care of them, the longer they will last but all retainers will wear down eventually. It’s what you do after they crack […]

Wearing Retainers With Wisdom Teeth

Can You Wear Retainers With Wisdom Teeth? At Sporting Smiles, our essix clear teeth retainers help prevent your teeth from shifting back to their natural state after braces or other orthodontic work. Our retainers cover the majority of your teeth, but we purposely do not include your wisdom teeth when crafting your custom retainers. Wearing […]

Why Are My Teeth Moving After Braces?

Braces and Invisalign can craft the perfect smile for their users. After the work, people love showing off their new smiles and flawless positioned teeth. Those smiles won’t last however if teeth aren’t given proper care and protection. In just weeks, a perfect smile can be shifted with teeth twisting or moving to their natural […]

Why Are My Teeth Moving Even With A Retainer?

Did you know that based on a recent survey over 48% of people notice a smile as the first feature on a person? That’s why over 8 million people in the United States are currently wearing braces or invisible aligners to straighten their teeth. Once a smile is perfect, these users will need to wear a retainer […]

Why Do Dogs Eat Retainers?

If you are one of the 12 million people in the United States that are currently wearing braces, Invisalign, or other teeth-straightening treatments, you’ll need a retainer after your dental work is complete. Retainers are dental devices that keep your teeth in place and prevent them from shifting back to their natural position. If you […]

What is the difference between retainers and aligners?

The dental product world can be a confusing one with all of the different devices that are offered to treat various conditions. With products that whiten, clean, straighten, protect, adjust, and maintain, it can become confusing. Two products that many confuse are retainers and aligners. What is the difference between retainers and aligners? A retainer […]

How To Prevent Teeth Moving After Braces

Sporting Smiles Introduces 3d stored impressions

Braces and Invisalign treatments typically last one to three years. That’s a long commitment considering that the average relationship lasts three months! When the braces come off you’ll want to show off that perfect smile to all of your friends and family. To keep your smile perfect you’ll need to follow a few rules. In […]