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6 Awesome Benefits of Wearing an Essix Retainer

When it comes to keeping a perfect smile, an essix retainer is a must. An essix retainer comes after the time you’ve put in wearing braces and helps you maintain a perfect smile for years and years to come. Today, there are many different kinds of retainers available to consumers. Each of these different varieties comes […]

Retainer Care 101: How to Properly Care for Your Retainers

You’ve spent months, maybe even years, wearing braces so you can finally enjoy your beautifully straight smile. The last thing you want to do is have all that time wasted by allowing your gorgeous teeth to revert back to their less-than-perfect ways! The solution: orthodontic retainers. Retainers are an essential tool in preserving your beautiful smile. But […]

How to Get a Retainer Using Your Own Molds or Models

If you have had your own dental molds or Models made previously by a dentist, then you may be able to get a replacement retainer made for much less than going through your dentist again. Many companies are not willing to make a replacement retainer from existing models and will require you to use their own […]

How To Get Replacement Retainers Online

Retainers are dental devices that are used to keep teeth in their current position after aligners or braces have been removed. It’s crucial to wear retainers to maintain the position of teeth because teeth have an elastic memory and will want to shift back to their natural position. Coupled with Covid-19 and staggering bills from […]

Will You Feel Your Teeth Moving?

The average cost of having your teeth shifted or straightened into the perfect position is between $3,000 and $8,000. That’s an expensive procedure but well worth it when you achieve that dazzling smile. After the completion of your orthodontic work, you’ll need to keep your teeth in place by wearing a retainer. If you lose […]

How To Fix Teeth Moving

Oral Care has become one of the most influential industries over the last 30 years. Everyone wants a perfect smile with bright white teeth that are straight. Celebrities and entertainment figures pay big bucks to maintain their signature smiles but did you know there are other ways on how to fix teeth moving? There are […]

Why Are My Teeth Moving With A Retainer?

You’ve worked so hard and spent a small fortune on getting your teeth into the perfect position. It’s now time to show off that beautiful smile to everyone you know and post it on social media. For the first few weeks, you’re pleased with the results and have been careful to retain your smile by […]

How To Save Money as a College Student

For many of us, the word “College” equates to freedom. We finally get to move out, be on our own, and sometimes even leave our hometown. This new territory usually comes with quite a few perks like sleeping in, no more curfews, and essentially doing “whatever we want when we want.” But, the untold truth […]

The Difference Between Essix and Hawley Retainers

Dental professionals will often prescribe the use of orthodontic retainers to protect the alignment of your teeth. Typically, you would wear a retainer after undergoing teeth alignment or to prevent the teeth from shifting further if yours do not yet require orthodontic correction. Either way, they are essential in preserving that picture-perfect smile that you […]

What are Vivera Retainers?

Retainers help maintain teeth alignment after orthodontic procedures by helping reduce the shifting of teeth. Every year, millions of Americans rely on retainers after orthodontic care. Braces and other orthodontic procedures are often very costly, so protecting your teeth alignment after changes in alignment is essential. But with so many different retainers, such as Vivera […]