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The History of Orthodontics

If you ask people why they are happy to live in the modern age, many of them will respond with “Dentistry!”. It may seem like an odd response to those of us that dread our annual checkups. However, it is a much-overlooked perk of modernity that we should all be thankful for. This is mostly […]

How Long Will My Clear Essix Retainers Last?

How long will my Essix retainers last? This is a question we often hear from our customers. Unfortunately, there is no right answer to this question. Usage patterns and how well you care for your retainer will ultimately determine a retainers’ lifespan, barring any accidents. It really is different for each person. It’s important to […]

How To Prevent Teeth Moving After Braces

You have spent years working toward the perfect smile, spending thousands of dollars on aligners or braces, and the day comes where you finally get them off. You’ve achieved your dream smile, and your confidence is sky-high. The dentist warns you as you are leaving that your teeth will begin to shift back to their […]

Permanent Retainer or Removable Retainer? Can You Do Both?

Over 14 million people around the world each year use clear aligners or braces to shift their teeth into a perfect position. There are many benefits to having a perfect smile including confidence. Once your orthodontic treatments are complete, your dentist will suggest a few options for you to keep your teeth in position. Two […]

Can A Retainer Move Teeth Back?

You’ve lost your retainer for the fifth time in the last two years. It’s somewhere in your bedroom, or maybe it’s in the basement? It’s been about a month since you’ve last worn it, and you begin to worry about your teeth shifting back to their natural position. You finally find the retainer behind the […]

6 Steps to Take If You’ve Lost Your Retainer

You meet your significant other at a fast-food restaurant for lunch. While you eat you take out your retainer and wrap it in a napkin for safekeeping. You would have put it in a case but you rushed out of your apartment without it. No big deal. At least, you thought it wouldn’t be a […]

Taking an Impression with a Dental Self-Impression Kit

At SportingSmiles, our goal is always to provide our customers with the highest-quality dental products. We help you get the smile that you want. We don’t cut any corners, so we only make custom-fitted guards, retainers, and whitening trays. Custom fitting means that you get the most comfortable, efficient experience from your dental solution. Choosing […]