Are Essix Retainers Effective?

You spent months or years wearing braces to improve your dental alignment and get the beautiful smile you desired. After braces, your retainer is an insurance policy for your teeth, helping you to retain that beautiful smile. So that obviously means you want a retainer that is effective for dental retention! But, at the same […]

Will Teeth Ever Stop Moving?

The following article has been medically reviewed for factual accuracies and current orthodontic practices by Dr. Febin Mary George, DDS.   Will teeth ever stop moving? The quick answer to this question is no, your teeth are always prone to movement and shifting. While you may not notice it, your teeth will shift and move throughout […]

Bruxism: Do You Grind Your Teeth at Night?

Do you grind your teeth at night (bruxism), but also need a retainer to keep your teeth straight? While particularly common in children, teeth grinding at night (nocturnal bruxism) is estimated to affect more than 8% of adults. Associated with stress, caffeine intake, and sleep apnea, bruxism can cause a number of unwanted side effects. […]

Why Have a Pair of Replacement Teeth Retainers?

No matter how well you look after your retainer, there’s no preparing for unexpected damage or loss. Whether it’s leaving your retainer in a hotel room, or one of your four-legged friends turning it into their chew toy, even the most careful of us can find ourselves suddenly without a retainer. Your teeth are important, […]

How Do I Stop My Teeth from Shifting?

While it may seem like your teeth are firmly attached to your jawbone and locked in place, that is only partially true. Teeth shifting naturally happens as you age, and it is also common after orthodontic treatments. However, there are other factors that can contribute to teeth shifting as well. Luckily, there are a variety […]

Emergency Retainers

  Your worst fear comes true when you pull off your retainer and you hear a “snap”. Looking down in the palm of your hand your retainer has a visible crack rendering it almost useless. You spent time and money getting your teeth into the perfect position and now they are in danger of shifting […]

Types of Retainers: Which One is Best for You?

Are you looking to buy a retainer? Thankfully, you aren’t stuck with one kind. There are several types of retainers and each has its pros and cons. One type may be a better choice for you than another. Continue reading to find out which retainer is best for you. What is the Purpose of a […]

Orthodontic Retainers: Can They Really Melt?

You go to put your retainer in today and notice that it just isn’t fitting correctly. Maybe it even looks misshapen or distorted in appearance. Unfortunately, your retainer is not indestructible and exposure to excessive heat can actually cause your retainer to melt, or at least soften. This softening can change the shape of the […]

Can My Retainer Cause Bad Breath?

Can your morning breath knock your partner out? Do you feel as though a room clears the minute you open your mouth? Everyone experiences bad breath at some point in their life, so you aren’t alone. Experts estimate that approximately 30 percent of the population has chronic bad breath. However, if you notice that your breath […]

Are Retainers Really Necessary?

You finally got your braces off! Your teeth are finally straight and all you want to do it show off your beautiful smile. But then the orthodontist informs you that your work is not done. You have to wear a retainer, all day, every day for at least the next few months and maybe up […]