How Do I Stop Chattering Teeth?

Chattering teeth can be a nuisance and an annoyance to you. Most times, it’s an involuntary bodily reaction due to certain factors. In this article, we’ll explore the factors for chattering teeth and what you can do for solutions to prevent some of the damage associated with this condition. When you think of chattering teeth, […]

How to Get a Replacement Retainer

Your dental retainer cracked, broke, or got misplaced. We get it, these things happen. Pets chew them. They get stepped on. Sometimes, you just forget where you put the thing. If you lost your retainer, you don’t want to put off getting a replacement retainer any longer than you have to. Your teeth can quickly […]

Do I Need A Night Guard For TMJ?

TMJ stands for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, which is a condition that limits the movement of the jaw, often associated with pain. People who suffer from TMJ can tell you firsthand how painful it can be to wake up in the morning after a night of clenching. This pain can occur throughout the day and can […]

ADHD Teeth Grinding – What You Need To Know

According to a study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) over 13 percent of teens suffer from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) while over two percent of adults continue to have ADHD past their teens. ADHD is a mental condition that spurs people to have hyperactive impulses that give them trouble focusing […]

Can I Use My Retainer as a Mouthguard?

Retainers are one of the most common dental products that adults wear after they’ve completed braces or Invisalign. This thin plastic covering keeps your teeth in place after they’ve been professionally shifted by a dentist. Many adults are also active and enjoy playing sports or other outdoor activities that may require a mouthguard. If you […]

How To Stop Clenching Teeth

People who deal with the daily pain and headaches of teeth grinding understand how important it is to learn how to stop clenching teeth. It can cost thousands in oral care if your teeth are permanently damaged. Your dentist will need to repair your teeth, but that doesn’t stop the clenching. Here’s one sure way […]

Best Sleeping Position For TMJ

Good sleep can be hard to come by, but when achieved it refreshes your body and mind. Getting a full eight hours of sleep is key to maintaining a healthy, active, and fulfilling life. It can become difficult to receive good sleep when your deal with TMJ, a term used to describe people who clench […]

Should My Retainer Hurt to Wear?

The following article has been medically reviewed for factual accuracies and current orthodontic practices by Dr. Febin Mary George, DDS.   Finally getting your braces off after months or years of treatment is a time for celebration. No more pressure and discomfort as your braces move your teeth. Simply wear your new Essix retainer to keep […]

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

There are tons of options for those interested in teeth whitening products. Consumers can choose between whitening pens, strips, toothpaste, blue-lights, and custom whitening trays. In a billion-dollar industry, it can be difficult to choose a product when many different factors go into a decision. Many will wonder how much does teeth whitening cost and […]

What Happens When You Don’t Wear A Retainer?

You spend months or years wearing braces with the goal of a straight and beautiful smile. Once the braces come off, it’s time for a celebration! Until, of course, the orthodontist brings out the retainer and tells you your treatment isn’t over yet. And, in all honesty, won’t ever really be over! WHAT?? Do you […]