How Much Do Retainers After Invisalign Cost?

You’ve just completed your Invisalign treatments and have achieved that perfect smile that you’ve always dreamed of having. To keep that smile you will need to wear a retainer at night to protect your teeth from shifting. How much do retainers after Invisalign cost?

Essix Retainers made from Sporting Smiles

Retainers are plastic devices worn at night to protect your teeth from shifting. They will fit snuggly over your teeth and are clear. Retainers are different from aligners, as they don’t shift your teeth but retain their placement of them. Once you complete Invisalign you will need to begin wearing retainers but how much do retainers after Invisalign cost? You have two options.

First, your dentist may craft you a retainer after completing your aligners. Typically, they will give you one during your final visit to protect your teeth right away. With the nature of retainers, however, they won’t last due to the daily wearing of them. Retainers naturally get dirty, crack, or loose and it’s crucial to replace them promptly.

So how much do retainers after Invisalign cost? If you go to the dentist they should craft you one immediately after your treatment ends. Getting a replacement retainer from the dentist is more tricky. You’ll have to account for their schedule and make time in yours between personal, school, career, and life. A retainer from the dentist is between $500 – $1000 in big cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York. It doesn’t get much better in smaller rural areas as they can be between $250 to $700.

Custom Clear Teeth Retainers | Qty: 2 (Upper and Lower)


Replace your lost, cracked, gross, and damaged dental retainers with a new one from SportingSmiles. Prevent your teeth from shifting using the most durable clear retainers available. Take your own impression at home and save hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty

SKU: 2EssixPlus

Thankfully, there are more affordable ways to receive retainers when you need them. Retainers after Invisalign cost $90 – $135 from SportingSmiles. Having been in business since 2009, SportingSmiles is an online dental lab where you don’t need to leave the comfort of your home. You’ll be sent the patented impression kit where you’ll take impressions of your teeth before sending them back with free 3-way shipping.

These retainers are the exact kind your dentist would craft but at half the cost. SportingSmiles uses premium material for retainers to make sure your teeth are kept in place and to avoid any teeth shifting. You need to wear a retainer after Invisalign or else all the work that went into shifting your teeth will be erased. Your teeth will shift back, it’s not a matter of if but when.

Retainers after Invisalign cost typically more than $500 from the dentist, while you can receive them from SportingSmiles between $90 – $135. Remember that cost each time a retainer set needs to be replaced because of natural wear. SportingSmiles can even save your impressions on file for life and keep them so you have easy access to reorder new retainers whenever you need them. Reordering from SportingSmiles also comes with a huge discount as a thank you to repeat customers.

Keeping that beautiful smile in place should be your first priority once you complete Invisalign. You shouldn’t have to worry about retainers after Invisalign cost. SportingSmiles will craft you premium retainers to prevent teeth shifting and keep your wallet happy.

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