Athletic Mouthguards Won’t Work for Teeth Grinding

At your last visit to the dentist, they mentioned you were showing signs of teeth grinding and might need a mouthguard to protect your teeth. As an active athlete, you assumed your athletic mouthguard would do the trick. Unfortunately, that’s not the case. While both types of guards are designed to protect your teeth, athletic […]

Teeth Grinding: Can It Cause Cavities?

Your dentist has told you that you suffer from bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding. While you may already know this can cause morning headaches or jaw pain, do you know what it does to your teeth? I mean, teeth are meant to chew right? It can’t be that bad. The truth is, nighttime teeth grinding […]

Are Drugstore Mouthguards Worth It?

As an athlete that plays a contact sport, your coach may require you to wear a mouthguard. You talked to your dentist and they recommended a custom-fit guard, but it came with a hefty price tag. You have seen mouthguards on the counters of your local drugstore or sporting goods store for cheap. But are […]

Can Teeth Whitening Damage Fillings or Crowns?

Whitening toothpaste, whitening strips, or professional whitening gel are all safe and effective methods of teeth whitening when you follow the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations. However, there are some things to consider when whitening your teeth. One of those things is whether or not you have any dental restorations, such as fillings or crowns. If […]

Teeth Grinding: Can It Change the Shape of My Face?

If you suffer from regular nighttime teeth grinding, you know that this grinding can damage the enamel of your teeth. This damage can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and even tooth loss if left untreated. But did you know that untreated bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, can also change the shape of your face and […]

Orthodontic Retainers: Can They Really Melt?

You go to put your retainer in today and notice that it just isn’t fitting correctly. Maybe it even looks misshapen or distorted in appearance. Unfortunately, your retainer is not indestructible and exposure to excessive heat can actually cause your retainer to melt, or at least soften. This softening can change the shape of the […]

Are Teeth Whitening Treatments Permanent?

A common question many people have when it comes to teeth whitening is, “How long will my teeth stay white?” Are teeth whitening treatments a permanent fix for discolored teeth? The answer, unfortunately, is no. However, don’t get discouraged. There are things that you can do to in order to keep your teeth shining bright […]

Do Night Guards Cause Cavities?

You wear your night guard every night in order to protect your teeth from wear and tear associated with bruxism, or teeth grinding. This protection helps reduce the risk of your nighttime grinding damaging your enamel and leading to cavities and tooth decay. But can your night guard actually contribute to tooth decay? The answer […]

Mouthguards: How to Clean Your Mouthguard

As an athlete in a contact sport, an athletic mouthguard is the best way to protect your teeth and jaw from injuries. In addition, a custom-fit mouthguard can also reduce the risk of concussions. Unfortunately, in order to achieve optimal protection from your mouthguard, it is essential that you take care of it properly. Everything […]

Mouthguards Making You Sick: Sores, Thrush and More

As an athlete, you know the importance of your athletic mouthguard when it comes to preventing dental and jaw injuries. But did you know that a mouthguard can also make you sick when not taken care of properly? Let’s put your mouthguard under a microscope and see what we find! Your Mouthguard is a Breeding […]