Teeth grinding guards, typically worn at night, work to protect the teeth from bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding. Given they are made to withstand regular grinding of teeth under excessive force, night guards are made to be durable and strong. However, nothing lasts forever. Depending on how severe your teeth grinding is, as well as the type of grinding guard you have, you can expect to need replacement teeth grinding guards over time. These tips help you determine when you might need to consider replacing your teeth grinding guard.
Your Night Guard Doesn’t Fit Correctly
It’s time for bed and you go to put in your teeth grinding guard only to find it just doesn’t seem to be fitting like it used to. This is a common problem and can be caused by a variety of different reasons.
If this is a grinding guard you have had for some time, chances are the guard is weakening and normal wear and tear has taken its toll. In this case, the guard gets weak and no longer retains that snug fitting ability.
Maybe you just went in and had some dental work. A new filling? A new crown or veneers? Lost a tooth? Changes in your dental structure or alignment mean your old guard won’t fit correctly. You will need to get a new mold made of your teeth and have a new guard created.
Your nightguard should fit snug against your teeth without falling out or shifting. Wearing a poor-fitting guard can cause pain, jaw stiffness, and affect dental alignment.
A broken, damaged, or poor-fitting nightguard can put your teeth at risk of damage. Visit SportingSmiles today to learn how you can get a custom-fit grinding guard without making a dentist appointment.
You Notice Cracks or Tears in Your Teeth Grinding Guard
While the purpose of grinding guards is to withstand nightly grinding, they won’t last forever. Soft grinding guards used by severe grinders are especially prone to breaking and tearing. In these cases, we recommend hard or dual laminate guards. If you notice small tears, cracks or even holes in your nighttime grinding guard, you will need to replace it immediately. Holes and cracks leave the surface of your teeth open to damage from grinding. In addition, if your guard continues to break during your sleep, you risk swallowing or choking on pieces of your guard.
Flexible Super Hard Night Guard
The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty
Your Teeth Grinding Guard is Turning a Different Color
As someone that wears a grinding guard, you know how important regular cleaning is. Your mouth is a moist and wet area which, unfortunately, makes it a breeding ground for bacteria. Regular cleaning and drying is essential to remove bacteria and food debris after wearing your guard. This means you need to clean your guard case regularly as well. Improper cleaning can lead to bacteria buildup and can cause discoloration of your night guard. If your nightguard appears yellow or discolored and you are unable to get it clean, it may be time to consider a new night guard.
You Are Waking Up with Sores in Your Mouth
Even if you cannot see any tears or cracks in your guard and it feels like it is fitting correctly, waking up in the morning with mouth sores can be a sign that something is wrong with your guard. Small cracks may be irritating the tissue inside your cheeks. Bacteria trapped inside cracks can be infecting tissue and gums. If you experience regular mouth sores, check with your doctor or dentist and have them check for underlying problems, as well as check your night guard for any possible connection.
SportingSmiles Can Get You a New Guard for a Fraction of the Cost
If it is time for a new grinding guard, SportingSmiles has you covered. While new night guards from your dentist can cost $300-$1,100 dollars, we offer the same high-quality night guards without the added cost.
When you go to the dentist for a nightguard, your dentist makes a mold and sends it to a dental lab. The dental lab then makes the guard and sends it back to your dentist.

At SportingSmiles, we eliminate the need for the dentist, thus reducing your cost. Our patented self-impression kit allows you to make a mold in the comfort of your own home. Once completed, you send the mold back to our dental lab where our technicians make your custom-fit grinding guard and send it back to you. We use the same materials and make your guard in the same manner as your dentist’s lab. The only difference?? SportingSmiles is half the cost! For more information, visit our Teeth Grinding Guards page today and let us help you replace your teeth grinding guard.
2 Responses
Can you make one with anterior contact only?
Hi Kimberly, I recommend watching this video if you have any questions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joeUIf2qVD4&feature=youtu.be