How Long Do Grinding Guards Last?

Nightguards, or grinding guards, protect the teeth from the constant grinding and clenching associated with bruxism. You wear a nightguard to protect the surface of your teeth from the damage caused by grinding. Unfortunately, while night guards are made to withstand the pressure of your teeth grinding, they will not last forever. How long a […]

How Long Do Night Guards Last?

We get asked this question often, how long do night guards last, and it’s not always easy to give an exact answer. We like to use the analogy of a pair of running shoes and an Olympic athlete. A standard pair of running shoes might last the typical person a couple of years, but an […]

Do You Have TMJ Ringing?

TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint which is the section of your jaw that hinges on your skull. This joint helps open and close your mouth for chewing, eating, and speaking. It’s a fairly important part of your body and when it’s not working properly, it can cause serious issues including TMJ ringing. Nearly 20 percent […]

Teeth Grinding Anxiety

Did you know teeth grinding anxiety affects roughly one in ten adults? With the stress of college, relationships, careers, and everyday life, everyone deals with anxiety. It’s how your body naturally handles it that can change the way you sleep at night. Some people’s bodies deal with anxiety by grinding their teeth at night. Here […]

Teeth Grinding Jaw Pain

Do you have teeth grinding jaw pain? It’s becoming more and more common for adults of all ages to suffer from teeth grinding jaw pain for a variety of issues. Waking up in the morning with a sore jaw or headache is one of the worst ways to start your day. Here are a few […]

The Teeth Falling Out Dream

If you’ve ever had the teeth falling out dream, you know that it can be pretty freaky, especially if it’s recurring. Surprisingly, this kind of dream is one of the most common as studies show that 39 percent of people have dreamt that their teeth have fallen out in one way or another. People from […]

Dreams About Teeth Falling Out

When it comes to dreams, most of us experience different, uniquely personal narratives and encounters in our sleep. However, there are some fascinating common themes that seem to recur across cultures and age groups especially with dreams of teeth falling out. Psychologists have often looked at people’s dreams as a way to interpret the hidden […]

Teeth Grinding Guards: Why Does Mine Cause Pain?

Your dentist diagnosed you with bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding and prescribed a tooth grinding guard to protect your teeth. You have tried to wear your grinding guard every night as you should, but you wake up every morning with pain and discomfort. Unfortunately, there are a few different things that could be responsible for […]

Mouthguards: SportingSmiles Versus the Dentist

Mouthguards come in many different shapes and forms. Mouthguards protect the teeth and gums of athletes participating in contact sports. Nightguards help protect the surface of your teeth when you grind them during your sleep. No matter what mouthguard you require, custom-fit guards are the most recommended as they fit your bite perfectly, offering the […]

Nighttime Teeth Grinding: Reducing Stress

Let’s be honest. Life can be very stressful at times. Work deadlines, family issues, health problems, and concerns over finances and bills can all contribute to high-stress levels. While you may feel you have your stress managed, your body has different ways of dealing with stress that you may not realize. Unconscious behaviors, such as […]