Bleachorexia: Can You Whiten Your Teeth Too Much?

Can you whiten your teeth too much? Yes. According to statistics, cosmetic teeth whitening is a $3.2 billion global industry, with people striving to achieve that perfect, bright, white smile. However, with the variety of whitening products available over the counter and the easy access, some people are taking teeth whitening to the extreme. This […]

Orthodontic Retainers: Should My Retainer Hurt to Wear?

You spent months or years wearing braces to straighten your teeth and smile. The purpose of your retainer is to keep those teeth in place. Wearing your orthodontic retainer is not supposed to hurt, however, sometimes a retainer can contribute to pain and discomfort. Determining why your retainer is causing pain helps you and your […]

Your Comprehensive Guide to Dental Retainers and Wearing Retainers

Thinking about straightening out your smile? You’re not alone. However, braces are no longer the only option you can choose when trying to improve your smile. In fact, the global orthodontic retainer market is expected to reach $388 million by 2024. As more people consider retainers as their go-to form of orthodontic treatment, they’re also asking more questions. […]

Fixed Retainer vs Removable Retainer: Which Is Right for You?

When a poll was given to orthodontists on what kind of retainer they prescribed to their patients, a majority of the orthodontics said they prescribed removable retainers over fixed lingual retainers. The results were closer than you might expect. The majority was 58.2% for removable retainers and about 40% gave fixed lingual retainers. Although the results were […]

Teeth Whitening: Protecting Your Gums from Injury

Thanks to regular coffee drinking, smoking, or even genetics, teeth can take on a yellow tinge, losing that pearly white shine. When this happens, many people turn to in-home or professional teeth whitening treatments. While these teeth whitening treatments can greatly improve the whiteness of your teeth, they can damage your gums. Unfortunately, your gums […]

How to Clean a Mouthguard: Advice for Teens and Athletes

Mouthguards are the perfect solution to broken teeth from playing sports. It doesn’t matter what sport you or your child is playing, you need a mouthguard to keep you protected from oral injuries at all times during a game. From hockey to football, and even baseball, a mouthguard has you covered. If you frequently wear […]

Introducing the Custom Fit Musical Lip Guard

You’ve been practicing for months for your big show. You’ve spent hours each day honing your skills and memorizing the notes. The longer you practice you begin to notice that you’re not as sharp. Your lower lip begins to tremble from fatigue and your bottom teeth tear into your lip. Now you’ve got a real […]