Will I Have to Wear My Retainer Forever?

You have spent months or years in braces or wearing Invisalign in order to shift your teeth, improve your bite, and improve your smile. You look forward to the day when treatment is over and your braces come off, revealing a brand new, beautiful smile. Unfortunately, that’s when you learn about retainers and that your […]

5 Ways to Prevent Dental Retainers from Breaking

Do you find that your clear retainers are often cracking or breaking? Even with a low-cost provider like SportingSmiles, regularly replacing retainers that are supposed to last you several years can quickly become an unwanted expense. Learning some techniques to prevent dental retainers from breaking can save you lots of money in the long run.  One […]

My Retainer Smells Bad. What Can I Do?

You went to put in your retainer before bed, but when you opened the case a horrible smell jumped out at you. What in the world happened to your retainer during the day? Can retainers really rot? While it isn’t uncommon for retainers to develop a smell, there is something you can do about it, […]

Are Your Teeth Shifting as You Age? 5 Signs You Should Get a Retainer

82% of adults believe straight teeth can lead to a more successful life. But how many do something about it? Far less than 82%, that’s for sure. Once people get out of high school, they tend to forget about things such as braces and retainers. Ironically, adults often need them more than children and teenagers. The […]

How To Clean Retainers

An in-depth guide to deep cleaning your teeth retainers at home Searching for the best ways to give your clear retainer a deep clean and better understand the importance of keeping your dental products clean? You’ve come to the right place! Sporting Smiles has conducted extensive research into the matter of cleaning plastic retainers and […]

Your Comprehensive Guide to Dental Retainers and Wearing Retainers

Thinking about straightening out your smile? You’re not alone. However, braces are no longer the only option you can choose when trying to improve your smile. In fact, the global orthodontic retainer market is expected to reach $388 million by 2024. As more people consider retainers as their go-to form of orthodontic treatment, they’re also asking more questions. […]

4 Reasons to Wear Your Retainer

You spent many months, or even years, wearing braces to improve your dental alignment and smile. In addition, you probably spent a pretty penny for braces or Invisalign. Now the big day comes when the braces come off and your teeth are free. But not really. The next phase of your treatment involves wearing a […]

How to Prevent Further Teeth Shifting

People with straighter teeth appear smarter, more successful, and seem to have more dates. Therefore, if you’re noticing that your teeth are shifting after your braces have been removed, then you need to do something about it quickly. From poor oral health to natural aging, there are a number of causes of teeth shifting. And yet, […]

Retainers After Orthodontic Bands

Most people assume that the only time you need to wear a retainer is after an orthodontic procedure, or if your dentist has prescribed one to prevent further shifting of your teeth. Some small gaps don’t require orthodontic procedures though and can be treated with orthodontic bands. Orthodontic bands like Orthofill, Orthoband, and Ora-band are dental bands that […]

Retainers and Frequently Asked Questions

Our customers often ask us about the clear Essix retainers that we stock. We understand, there are several options out there and a lot of confusing terms to get to grips with. We thought we would clear things up a little and put together a list of our most retainer FAQs to help you out.  Essix Retainers FAQs: What […]