Are Teeth Bones?

Bones come in all shapes and sizes. Every human has bones, but what are they exactly? How do bones form and what are their purposes? Are teeth bones? There are plenty of questions about bones and we are here to answer some of the most common questions about teeth and bones. What is a Bone? […]

What Happens If You Don’t Wear Your Retainer

You’ve put in the time and money to have your teeth straightened into the perfect smile. It was a long journey, but now your teeth are ready to be shown off as you’ve always dreamed. Before you leave the dentist, he gives you a retainer and tells you to wear it every night. As you […]

What to Do When Your Teeth Retainer Cracks

So your custom-fitted clear Essix dental retainer has cracked? That’s okay. While the Essix retainers are by far the most comfortable, non-intrusive retainer model, they can be somewhat prone to cracking or breaking. Proper care and maintenance will go a long way to keeping your teeth retainers durable and preventing them from yellowing and becoming brittle. With […]

How Fast Do Teeth Shift After Braces

Braces are a big deal. They signify a commitment to a perfect smile. Some may wear braces for six months, others for three years but the end result is almost always the same. A perfect smile that you can be proud of. After braces, your dentist will give you a retainer to wear. This retainer […]

How Much Do Teeth Retainers Cost?

If you ask people how much teeth retainers cost, most of them will probably just say “expensive!”. In the past, this would have been true. However, the price of quality dental retainers has been driven down via new technologies. In reality, the price of a replacement retainer can vary hugely depending on the type of […]

Can Retainers Straighten Teeth

The following article has been medically reviewed for factual accuracy and current orthodontic practices by Dr. Febin Mary George, DDS.   Retainers, aligners, Invisalign, and braces. Are they all the same thing? Can retainers straighten teeth? Do braces keep teeth in place? Are aligners and braces the same thing? The orthodontic field can be confusing and […]

Why Are My Teeth Shifting

The following article has been medically reviewed for factual accuracies and current orthodontic practices by Dr. Febin Mary George, DDS.   Whether you’ve had aligners or orthodontic work done in the past, your teeth can shift at any point in your life for numerous reasons. Teeth shifting can be prevented but it’s important to understand why […]

Why Does My Retainer Have White or Yellow Spots?

You went to put in your retainer last night only to find it didn’t look quite right. White crusty spots scattered the surface of your retainer. Yellow discoloration seems to have replaced the clear or white appearance of your clear retainer. You may also notice a less-than-appealing smell coming from your retainer too. YUCK! What […]

Do You Grind Your Teeth but Also Need a Retainer?

Teeth grinding, or ‘bruxism’, is an issue that affects millions of Americans. Grinding your teeth in your sleep can be harmful to your dental health, causing flattening of the teeth and loss of enamel, which can lead to cavities. Thankfully dental technology has come a long way and we now have a wide variety of […]

How to Get a Replacement Retainer

Your dental retainer cracked, broke, or got misplaced. We get it, these things happen. Pets chew them. They get stepped on. Sometimes, you just forget where you put the thing. If you lost your retainer, you don’t want to put off getting a replacement retainer any longer than you have to. Your teeth can quickly […]