How To Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

It can be embarrassing to smile when your teeth are not in the best shape. Smiling is expected during visits from friends and family, big moments in your life like weddings or graduations, and can be a sign that your date is going well. People who hide their smiles are often not proud of them […]

How To Use Custom Whitening Trays

If you have purchased one of our custom-fitted whitening trays or kits, then you have already made the right decision. There is no better way to get your smile sparkling than to use a whitening tray that optimizes your whitening gel. Our whitening trays are made to the highest standard with reservoirs that ensure the best whitening […]

How Long Should My Teeth Retainer Last?

How long should my teeth retainer last? Many of our customers ask this question before investing in a retainer set from us. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question. There are several factors that can affect the lifespan of your retainers, but with proper care and maintenance, they should last you anywhere from […]

How To Make Retainers Fit Again

Retainers are crafted to keep your teeth in that perfect position after you’ve had braces or aligners. Once these treatments are completed your dentist will give you a retainer to wear and you’ll need to continually replace it for the rest of your life. Sometimes, your retainer may stop fitting for various reasons. How to […]

How to Get a Retainer After Invisalign

Invisalign is provided to you by your dentist when you want your teeth shifted into the perfect position. The term “Invisalign” is a brand but people use it when they talk about teeth shifting. It’s like saying “Google it” when you mean search the web. The process of teeth shifting can take weeks, months, or even years so when […]

After Aligners: The Invisalign Retainer Cost

You’ve just completed your Invisalign treatments and have achieved that perfect smile that you’ve always dreamed of having. To keep that smile you will need to wear a retainer at night to protect your teeth from shifting. What’s the Invisalign retainer cost? Retainers are plastic devices worn at night to protect your teeth from shifting. […]

How To Order Invisalign Retainers

Invisalign is provided to you by your dentist when you want your teeth shifted into the perfect position. The term “Invisalign” is a brand but people use it when they talk about teeth shifting. It’s like saying “Google it” when you mean search the web. The process of teeth shifting can take weeks, months, or […]

Retainers After Invisalign Cost

Invisalign is a brand of aligners that straighten your teeth into the perfect position. This company has done wonders for millions of smiles and continues to give people around the world the confidence they want with their teeth. Once you finish Invisalign, the work isn’t done. You’ll need to get into a lifelong routine of […]

What’s The Price of Invisalign Retainer?

The price of Invisalign retainer depends on the source you go to when you want one. There are a few options out there and in this article, we will share the pros and cons of each as well as share the typical price of retainers. You will always want to keep your teeth protected from shifting once […]

The Best Ways To Reorder Invisalign Retainer

Your teeth have been shifted for a while now into that perfect position. You’ve been wearing your retainer at night like your dentist told you to and it’s paying off as your teeth are still perfect and haven’t shifted. Maybe you lose your retainer, or maybe it’s just time for a new one due to […]