How much is a new retainer? It depends on the source, and how quickly you need it, but getting a new retainer is a lot easier and affordable than you may think. People need replacement retainers all the time. Some of them have lost theirs, or perhaps a pet chewed up a set. Sometimes, it’s just time to replace an old set because they are yellowing or cracked. Whatever the case, here’s the pricing for retainers.
SportingSmiles is the No. 1 online dental lab in the United States and comes with the most affordable premium retainers. How much is a new retainer? With SportingSmiles the retainers start at $100, with the premium set being $140. These are the exact same retainers you would receive from the dentist after Invisalign or braces.
You’ll be able to use either the patented impression kit from SportingSmiles or you can send in your molds if you’ve received them from the dentist. With the impressions or molds, SportingSmiles will craft you a set of replacement retainers for half the cost of the dentist. The entire process is done without you leaving the comfort of your home.
Custom Clear Teeth Retainers | Qty: 2 (Upper and Lower)
Replace your lost, cracked, gross, and damaged dental retainers with a new one from SportingSmiles. Prevent your teeth from shifting using the most durable clear retainers available. Take your own impression at home and save hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty
SportingSmiles isn’t the only option to receive retainers though, you may choose to go to your dentist. How much is a new retainer from the dentist? It depends on your location. Rural dentists can be cheaper, but you can still expect to pay between $250 – $500 for a set of retainers. You might also need to pay new patient fees, or have an exam or get X-Rays. If you go to a dentist, you will also need to find time in a potentially busy schedule. Some dentists are scheduled six months out, so if you need a retainer quickly, that won’t work.
Emergency Retainers
Replace your lost, cracked, gross, and damaged retainers with emergency retainers from SportingSmiles. When you need retainers immediately, these emergency retainers will arrive in 6-7 business days GUARANTEED. Watch the video below for more information on how this works. Order before your teeth start to shift!
Living in a big city will be much more expensive. How much is a new retainer? If you live in big cities like Chicago, New York, Los Angeles or any other metro areas, you can expect to pay between $500-$1,000 for a new set of retainers. This is a huge price to swallow for some, but you can get the exact same set of retainers from SportingSmiles for $140.
Retainers From Your Own Molds
Do you have your own molds? SportingSmiles accepts molds from new customers who have 3D Printed, Plaster or Stone Molds. We will accept 3D printed, plaster, or stone molds if you have them and opt not to choose our impression kit. When we receive your molds, they will automatically be scanned into our 3D system and saved on file for life. This means you’ll be able to reorder from SportingSmiles whenever you’d like. Own models are fragile and frail, there’s a high chance that they may become damaged in the process of working with them so to avoid that we have…
One of the best things about getting retainers from SportingSmiles is the reorder discount. Retainers will eventually wear out whether they get too yellow, or white from bacteria or sometimes they will get loose from the material. You’ll need to replace them and SportingSmiles understands that replacing retainers should be affordable. That’s why SportingSmiles offers you a discount when you reorder. This gives a great affordable way to receive a fresh set of retainers once a year. How much is a new retainer? It’s very affordable with SportingSmiles!
Wearing a retainer is crucial to keeping that perfect smile. Make sure you have a backup set on hand or a reorder plan with SportingSmiles. Your teeth are in danger of shifting if you don’t, and if you want to protect your wallet, SportingSmiles can do that too with our affordable prices.