Why Your Teeth Whitening Treatments Aren’t Working

You have tried whitening toothpaste, whitening strips, and even bleaching trays but you are still sporting those dingy, yellowish looking teeth. Are you doing it all wrong? Are your teeth just destined to be dingy? The truth is, not all teeth or stains respond to whitening. In addition, how you prepare and what whitening products […]

Custom Whitening Trays VS Teeth Whitening Light

By the year 2024, the global teeth whitening product market will be valued at 7.4 billion dollars according to a report from Hexa Research. That’s a lot of people who want that perfect white smile. Tons of teeth whitening treatments are available and today we’ll be breaking down two of the most popular options. Custom teeth […]

Why Aren’t My Teeth Whitening?

The following article has been medically reviewed for factual accuracies and current orthodontic practices by Dr. Febin Mary George, DDS.   Our home whitening kits are specifically designed to be easy to use, but we understand that for some first-time teeth whiteners it can sometimes be a little tricky. Many customers will come to us after trying an […]

Should I Brush My Teeth Before Whitening Trays

Whitening your teeth can be one of the most exciting cosmetic treatments. You’ll see real results that you can show off to everyone within a matter of a few sessions. Whitening Trays work the best when whitening teeth because of their all-around ability to whiten every part of each tooth including the front and back. […]

How Often Should You Use Whitening Strips?

The teeth whitening industry is filled with different products, from whitening strips, pens, blue lights, and custom trays, to premium toothpaste and floss. It can be a lot to consider when thinking of what treatment you want to use. One of the most popular treatments is whitening strips. Are they the best to use? How […]

How To Get Rid of Yellow Teeth

It can be embarrassing to smile when your teeth are not in the best shape. Smiling is expected during visits from friends and family, big moments in your life like weddings or graduations, and can be a sign that your date is going well. People who hide their smiles are often not proud of them […]

How To Use Custom Whitening Trays

If you have purchased one of our custom-fitted whitening trays or kits, then you have already made the right decision. There is no better way to get your smile sparkling than to use a whitening tray that optimizes your whitening gel. Our whitening trays are made to the highest standard with reservoirs that ensure the best whitening […]

Does Red Wine Stain Teeth?

People have been drinking wine for thousands of years. It has been considered an after-dinner drink, a celebratory treat, or just a relaxing way for people to unwind from their day. Red wine in particular is paired with lean meats, Italian dishes, gourmet burgers, and roasted vegetables. Drinking a glass of wine a day has […]

Does Oil Pulling Whiten Teeth?

Teeth whitening is nothing new, and over the last 30 years, the industry has seen an increase in products and natural remedies that claim to whiten your teeth. Coconut oil has been getting a lot of attention recently for the multiple health benefits that it provides, but does oil pulling whiten teeth? Your teeth are […]

Does Green Tea Stain Your Teeth?

Green tea is considered one of the best drinks you can consume for health purposes. It has the ability to boost your immune system, cognitive functions, fat burning, and may potentially lower the risk of some specific cancers. Drinking green tea whether it’s hot or cold has a ton of benefits, but it may have […]