Pain is just a part of life, and every adult will deal with body aches at some point in their life. Some of the worst aches can come from oral pain caused by teeth grinding damage. Millions of adults around the world grind their teeth due to stress, anxiety, sleeping patterns, and habits. Teeth grinding damage can become severe, but the good news is that it’s treatable. Here are a few instances of the damage that grinding can inflict and how you can prevent it.
Did you know that lifelong teeth grinding can lead to nerve damage for your teeth? Severe cases of teeth grinding damage can include your teeth becoming filed down and exposing nerves. This will create a very painful experience when eating or drinking and requires oral surgery to repair. The repairs are uncomfortable and most of all very costly!
Teeth grinding headaches can be consistent or they can come and go when waking up from a night of clenching. When you grind your teeth it’s an exhausting effort from the muscles in your jaws to continue to shift your jaw or clench down. With your muscles becoming tired and sore, you’ll wake up with a headache from the teeth grinding damage that has been inflicted. Dealing with a headache isn’t a fun situation and starting your day with one can ruin plans and affect your work or school focus.
Flexible Super Hard Night Guard
The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty
Cracked or Chipped Teeth
Your teeth are powerful tools for your body to break down food. They are tough but unlike bones in your body, they don’t repair themselves. When your teeth are constantly being sawed on one another they will eventually crack or chip. This teeth grinding damage is a combination of painful and costly repairs that will require a dental visit.
Lock Jaw
Teeth grinding is a painful habit but a related habit is teeth clenching. This happens when your jaw exerts pressure and force holding your mouth tightly shut. This habit is likely caused by stress and anxiety throughout your day as your body responds to it. With your jaw being forced shut throughout the night, it can lead to lockjaw in the morning. Lock Jaw occurs when you have a difficult time opening and closing your mouth as the joint that connects your jawbones to your skull is locked in place after a night of teeth clenching.

You may not be able to control the stress and anxiety of life, but you can sleep better at night not worrying about waking up with teeth grinding damage. This solution is very comfortable and affordable compared to being charged by dentists. Wearing a night guard can provide instant defense against teeth grinding damage.
SportingSmiles offers six different types of night guards all designed to combat a specific type of teeth grinding or clenching to relieve teeth grinding jaw pain. The most popular night guard that SportingSmiles crafts is the Super Hard Flexible. It’s the most durable guard designed for the most intense clenching and grinding. Instead of suffering another night with teeth grinding, skip the dentist and order a SportingSmile custom night guard today!