Teeth Grinding Guards: How to Adjust to a New Guard

After many mornings of waking up with headaches and jaw pain, your dentist finally explained that signs show you grind your teeth at night. Bruxism, or nighttime teeth grinding, is a common condition that causes damage to the enamel of the teeth, eventually leading to potential tooth loss and jaw problems. Luckily, your dentist tells you that wearing a nightguard while you sleep can protect your teeth from damage. Sounds easy right? Unfortunately, for many people, grinding guards sit on the bedside table, never worn, because they just can’t seem to adjust to having the appliance in their mouth and just give up. At SportingSmiles, we know how important wearing a nighttime grinding guard is to your dental health. These tips can help you adjust to wearing this new appliance and help keep your teeth damage-free.

A Custom-Fit Grinding Guard Makes It Easier to Adjust

Custom-fit grinding guards can be expensive, and many people opt for the over-the-counter stock or boil and bite guards. While these are a cheaper alternative, they are also bulkier and less comfortable, with many becoming paperweights on the bedside table. Custom-fit grinding guards are typically made of a thinner, more comfortable material. And, because they are molded to your bite, they fit much tighter, making them more comfortable, reducing the risk of a gagging effect, and reducing the risk of them coming out during sleep.

Wearing a new grinding guard at night can take time to adjust to. Stock guards can be bulky, making this adjustment difficult, leaving many to give up trying. Visit SportingSmiles today for a custom-fit grinding guard and make the adjustment to guard wear easier. 

Custom-fit guards typically come from your dentist and range in cost from $300 to $1000. During a dental visit, your dentist makes a mold of your teeth and then sends that mold to a lab that creates your guard. At SportingSmiles, we understand that this is a big expense that many individuals and families just can’t afford. Thanks to our patented self-impression kit, we are able to eliminate the need for a dental visit and provide a custom-fit grinding guard at half the cost. These guards are high-quality guards made the same as the guards from your dentist. To find out more, visit our Teeth Grinding Guard page.


Flexible Super Hard Night Guard


The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free 3-Way Shipping in the United States. 

SKU: HardFlexible-NG

Try Wearing Your Guard During the Day

For many, the biggest obstacle to wearing a grinding guard at night is the sensation of something foreign in the mouth. With your focus on this weird feeling, you may be unable to fall asleep and finally, just give up and take the guard out. A good trick to help your body and brain adjust to your guard is to wear it for a couple of hours during the day. For instance, try wearing your guard for an hour in the evening while you watch your favorite television show. This will let your brain accept this new appliance and, when it comes time to go to bed, it won’t be so foreign.

Consider Different Position Options

Teeth grinding guards are most often made for the upper teeth however, this isn’t your only option. If you find that, no matter how hard you try, you just can’t adjust to sleeping with your grinding guard, consider trying a lower guard instead. Many times, a simple change to the lower teeth is enough to change the comfort level and make it easier to adjust to wearing. At SportingSmiles, we offer both upper and lower teeth grinding guards.

Keep Your Grinding Guard Clean

Good oral hygiene and regular cleaning of your grinding guard are essential to good wear. Always brush your teeth before putting your guard into place. Set up a daily routine for cleaning your guard as well. Without regular cleaning, your guard can develop bacteria and even mold. This can create a foul smell that will keep you from wanting to wear it. It can also make you sick. BE sure to follow all cleaning instructions that come with your grinding guard.

Stick With It and Don’t Give Up

Don’t become discouraged if you try that first night and just can’t seem to sleep with your grinding guard in place. You are not alone. It often takes time, as much as a couple of weeks, for your brain and your body to become accustomed to this new appliance. But it will in time. Most people find their grinding guard becomes second nature within a month or so. In many cases, sleeping without it in place becomes more uncomfortable. Stick with it and continue putting it in place every night. Try some of these tricks, and if, after a month or so, you still can’t get it to work, talk with your dentist about other possibilities.

Teeth grinding guards are an essential tool for protecting your teeth from the damage of teeth grinding. But they only work when you wear them. While it may take some time to adjust to wearing your new teeth grinding guard, it is definitely worth the effort.

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