What is the Difference Between a NightGuard and Retainer?

The oral care industry is a multi-billion dollar business. With so many products on the market and ways to take care of your teeth, it can be confusing to figure out what item does what. Today we are looking at the difference between a nightguard and retainer, two of the most common products used in taking care of your teeth.

When figuring out the difference between a nightguard and retainer, it’s important to first discover their purpose. A night guard is crafted and is worn at night to prevent teeth grinding or clenching. If you or someone you know wakes up with daily morning headaches, sore teeth, or tired facial muscles, it could be signs of teeth grinding.

Teeth grinding is a dangerous and costly habit. As the force of your teeth grind against each other, your teeth can become chipped, or damaged, or after years of this habit, your nerves may even be exposed. The best defense as a preventative is to wear a night guard. These are thicker than retainers and are crafted from stronger material as it’s designed to withstand the force of your teeth and help protect from side effects.

Flexible Super Hard Night Guard


The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty

SKU: HardFlexible-NG

SportingSmiles has been crafting custom night guards since 2009. The most popular one is the Super Hard Flexible as it is very durable, but also flexible and comfortable. It does an excellent job protecting against both teeth grinding and teeth clenching. What is the difference between a nightguard and retainer? Well, you understand what a night guard does now. Let’s discuss what a retainer does.

A retainer is crafted from 1mm premium material and is worn at night to prevent teeth shifting. This device is given to people who have finished aligners or braces. The first retainer is typically crafted by the dentist and will need to be worn every single night. If a retainer is not worn, teeth will begin to shift. It doesn’t matter if it’s been three weeks since you completed aligners or three years. Your teeth will start to have microshifting and all that hard work and money will have been wasted.

Custom Clear Teeth Retainers | Qty: 2 (Upper and Lower)


Replace your lost, cracked, gross, and damaged dental retainers with a new one from SportingSmiles. Prevent your teeth from shifting using the most durable clear retainers available. Take your own impression at home and save hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty

SKU: 2EssixPlus

What is the difference between a nightguard and retainer? A night guard helps prevent damage done from teeth grinding, and a retainer prevents teeth from shifting after braces or aligners. If you grind your teeth and also need a retainer to prevent teeth shifting, that can be a complicated situation. Your best bet to help with both would be to wear a SportingSmiles retainer. The material used in crafting the retainers is durable and can withstand light grinding and clenching.

With the nature of retainers and night guards, they won’t last forever. That’s why SportingSmiles offers a reorder service that gives returning customers a huge discount when they place a reorder. There’s even a retainer subscription service and a night guard subscription service that will put a fresh set of retainers or a night guard on your door step every six months. This means you’ll always have a back up on hand in case you lose yours.

SportingSmiles has been providing retainers and night guards since 2009 and has served over one million people for their oral care product needs. Our team of dedicated dental lab techs craft each product with care and attention to detail so you can sleep at night knowing your teeth are protected. What is the difference between a nightguard and retainer? One is for teeth grinding and the other is for preventing teeth shifting. You can receive either of these products from SportingSmiles at half the cost of the dentist.

Night Guard Retainer


Do you grind your teeth but need a retainer? Here’s the best Night Guard Retainer to handle both! This retainer for teeth grinding will prevent teeth from shifting while being durable enough to handle grinding. Take your own impression at home and save hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included.

Free Shipping in the United States.

Free Storage Case

90-Day Warranty

SKU: NightGuardRetainer
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