Why Is My Night Guard Turning Yellow?

Night guards are protective oral devices worn while you sleep. The purpose of wearing a night guard is to protect against teeth grinding and teeth clenching that many adults suffer from. It’s a dangerous habit that can end up being costly if not properly protected. While night guards are great for protecting your teeth against grinding, over time, they can become yellow and you may wonder why is my night guard turning yellow. Let’s take a look at a few reasons for your night guard turning yellow and some solutions to prevent it from happening. 

Why is My Night Guard Turning Yellow?

Your mouth is a breeding ground for bacteria, no matter how well you keep up with your oral cleaning. As food and liquids enter your mouth they leave behind tiny particles on your gums and teeth. You may brush your teeth twice a day, but there will always be a little remainder of the particles. The longer those particles are in your mouth, the more bacteria they will grow. 

Why is my night guard turning yellow? Well, as the bacteria in your mouth grows it can combine with the saliva. When it does that, it starts to build plaque and tartar on your teeth. When you put your night guard into your mouth, bacteria is transferred onto the surface of the night guard. If not properly cleaned nightly or weekly, the plaque and tartar can begin to breed more bacteria on your night guard turning it yellow or white. If you have white spots on your night guard it’s calcium deposits or plaque and tartar.

Your mouth will produce biofilm which is a thin bacteria film over your teeth. When this film is transferred onto your night guard it can turn yellow if left uncleaned. The longer that this film remains on your night guard the greater the chance of your night guard turning yellow.

The Importance of Cleaning Your Night Guard and Oral Hygiene

Keeping yellow spots and discoloration away from your night guard begins with good oral hygiene. Brushing your teeth daily will help remove food particles left behind from eating as well as reducing the bacteria in your mouth. The fewer bacteria in your mouth, the less chance of your night guard turning yellow. Brushing your teeth removes the biofilm that coats your teeth. You’ll need to floss too to help remove food particles stuck between your teeth. 


Flexible Super Hard Night Guard


The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. 

SKU: HardFlexible-NG

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