custom WRESTLING guards
wrestlers with mouthguards

Wrestling Mouthguards

You’ve put in the work on the mat, make sure you don’t miss any time with a wrestling mouthpiece. These wrestling mouthguards are the same college wrestling mouthguards that you see collegiate athletes wear. Our wrestling mouthguards offer premium protection while giving you clear communication. You’ll still be able to talk to your teammates during the heat of the match while having a stout defense protecting your mouth.

With a SportingSmiles wrestling mouthguard, you’ll protect yourself from chipped teeth, tongue injuries, and bloody gums as you pin your opponent. Our college wrestling mouthguards are a perfect fit for your mouth. The patented SportingSmiles impression kit allows the user to receive a unique wrestling mouthguard that is molded to their smile. 

Whether you wrestling in high school, college, or amateur leagues, a wrestling mouthguard is your best bet to protect yourself. The 3mm wrestling mouthpiece is designed to prevent mouth injuries while giving you the look of the pros. SportingSmiles can make your wrestling mouth guard any color to match your school or place a logo or text on it. The ultimate wrestling mouthguard is just a few clicks away!

Benefits of Custom Mouthguards

Mouthguards Are Developed By Professional Lab Techs For Superior Fit And Protection

3mm Thin Made From High-Quality Fresh Material

Sleek And Compact Tight Fit For A Comfortable Experience

Helps Prevent Chipped Teeth, Losing Teeth, and Tongue Injuries

Customizable With Colors And Graphics To Make Yours Unique

Durable and Longer Lasting Than Standard or Drugstore Mouthguards

Clear Communication – Speak To and Command Your Teammates Easily with this Guard

Holds Up Against Chewing To Give It a Longer Lifespan Than Other Wrestling Mouthguards

Customizable With Colors and Graphics To Make Your Mouthguard Unique

Clear Sporting Smiles Mouthguard

How You Get a Custom Wrestling Mouthguard

1. Place an Order For a Custom Wrestling Mouthguard.

2. We will ship our pattened self-impression Kit. 

3. Take impressions and then send them back with free-shipping.

4. We make the custom wrestling mouthguard and ship it back to you.

How Our Impression Kit Works
sporting smiles impression kit

A. Instruction Pamphlet B. Adjustable Impression Trays

C. Impression Putty D. Information Card E. Shipping Label

This is our No. 1 selling wrestling mouthguard. Using our patented impression kit, SportingSmiles will craft a clear wrestling mouthpiece that protects your smile perfectly. This guard is 3mm thin, making it very comfortable and sleek. Protect your mouth from chipped teeth, tongue injuries, and bloody gums with this premium wrestling mouth guard. Whether you wrestle in high school, college, or amateur leagues, this is the superior mouth guard designed to provide the ultimate defense. 


SportingSmiles can create a wrestling mouth piece in any color. Our most popular color is black but if you want to match your school colors or favorite color we can make it. This guard is 3mm thin, making it very comfortable and sleek. Protect your mouth from chipped teeth, tongue injuries, and bloody gums with this premium wrestling mouth guard. Whether you wrestling in high school wrestling, college wrestling, or amateur leagues, this is the superior mouth guard designed to provide the ultimate defense. 


SportingSmiles can create a custom wrestling mouth piece in any neon color. Our most popular color is neon yellow. This guard is 3mm thin, making it very comfortable and sleek. Protect your mouth from chipped teeth, tongue injuries, and bloody gums with this premium wrestling mouth guard. Whether you wrestle in high school, college, or amateur leagues, this is the superior mouth guard designed to provide the ultimate defense. 


Want a custom designed wrestling mouth guard? Design your own! Email with your logo or text and we can create your custom mouth guard!

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