Your teeth are the first feature that people notice about you. They can make or break a first impression, a big date, an important presentation, or can affect your overall confidence. No matter how great your oral care is, at some point, you will develop teeth stains from a variety of things. How to remove stains from teeth starts with identifying them and finding a solution that is strong enough to erase them. Let’s first begin by going through the different types of stains.
How to remove stains from teeth begins with understanding why you’re getting them. There are a few different kinds including liquid stains from tea, wine, and coffee. Some stains may be temporary, like juice stains or stains from fruit like blueberries. Others are more long-term like smoking stains or age stains.
When you drink coffee, wine, or tea, these drinks have a chemical compound found in them called tannins. Tannins are very sticky and will become stuck on the front and back of your teeth. If not properly removed right away, they become part of the enamel and eventually dull the shade of your teeth to brown, yellow, or gray. If you routinely drink these liquids and see your teeth becoming less and less white, you’ll know why.
How to remove stains from teeth left from wine, coffee, and tea, begins with removing the tannins from your enamel. You’ll have to rigorously brush your teeth with potent teeth-whitening tooth waste immediately after consuming these beverages in order to avoid the staining effects. While that’s not ideal, it’s a good preventative measure. If you’re not able to do that, we do have a long-term and more convenient solution that will be discussed further down the article.
Smoking stains are from the tar found in cigarettes. This tar is plastered onto your teeth and can make any bright white smile and turn it into a grimy brown. Vaping can discolor your teeth too with the chemicals used to color the liquids. Blue and pink vapes can discolor your teeth. Finally, age stains will creep up on anyone. Your body will naturally stop producing vitamins as you age, and this can mean your bright white smile begins to fade with time.
Custom Teeth Whitening Trays
Custom Teeth Whitening Trays are DIY Teeth Whitening treatments designed for at-home treatments with superior results. Helps remove coffee, tea, wine, smoking, and stubborn teeth stains to restore a bright white smile you can be confident with. These custom teeth whitening trays are reusable and long-lasting. Whitening trays will help remove stains from the entire smile including the back, cracks, and crevices of your smile as opposed to other whitening treatments like strips, pens, or lights. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty NOTE: Upper & Lower Teeth Impressions are required to make…
There is a great solution for anyone who suffers from the stains mentioned above. How to remove stains from teeth can be easy with a custom teeth whitening kit. There are many options in the teeth whitening industry, but there’s only one that gives your entire smile a treatment including the front, back, molars, and crevices between your teeth. What’s this treatment? Custom teeth whitening trays.
Custom teeth whitening trays can be crafted by your dentist but you’ll need to schedule a visit, and potentially need insurance or X-Rays. It can also be an expensive bill. SportingSmiles has been crafting custom whitening trays since 2009 and has served over one million people worldwide and helped restore smiles to their former dazzling white shade.

How to remove stains from teeth starts with routinely using a whitening treatment. Custom whitening trays encase the entire smile and teeth meaning the trays will only fit your smile and no one else. Paired with professional gel that foams at the contact of your saliva, this premium treatment will remove stains from teeth. As opposed to whitening lights, pens, strips, and toothpaste, whitening trays whiten every tooth. The whitening gel foams into the cracks of your teeth and stays in place because of the trays making sure that every tooth with a stain is treated whether that’s the front or back.

When you order from SportingSmiles, you’ll receive the patented impression kit. With this easy to use impression kit you’ll take impressions from home before shipping them back to SportingSmiles with free 3-way shipping. When we receive them, we’ll craft you custom whitening trays that are designed to erase years of teeth stains. These trays are durable, waterproof, and will whiten the front and backs of your teeth. If you want to erase teeth stains caused by smoking, wine, tea, coffee, or natural age stains, custom whitening trays from SportingSmiles are an affordable and premium option.