Migraine Tooth Pain: Causes, Prevention, and Treatment

Migraines can be mysterious and predictable at the same time. There are various elements to our body that happen to create tension in our heads that may lead to migraines. One of the worst habits that may cause migraine tooth pain is the condition of teeth grinding. Let’s look at the causes of it and what you can do to prevent further headaches.

Migraine tooth pain starts in your mouth. Teeth grinding is a condition where teenagers and adults grind their teeth or clench their jaws during periods of sleep. One of the most common causes of teeth grinding is stress and anxiety. As you sleep, your body naturally creates an outlet for the stress you accumulate throughout the day. In this case, your body releases the stress by grinding teeth together. It may not be painful while you sleep but when you wake up in the morning, your mouth may be sore or your jaw muscles tense.

The stress of your muscles constantly working to clench your mouth or shift your jaw becomes tiresome. If you wake up with a sore jaw or extra sensitive teeth, you’re likely grinding your teeth in your sleep. This soreness and discomfort can travel to the temples of your head creating migraine tooth pain. With your jaw muscles and teeth being connected to your face and head, the stress of these areas can migrate to your head becoming a migraine trigger.

Check for the signs of teeth grinding in the morning. If you continue to wake up with a sore jaw, you may be clenching your teeth at night. Other red flags include increased teeth sensitivity to hot or cold foods as teeth grinding can damage or expose the nerves of teeth. If you sleep with a partner, they may hear a “clicking” or “popping” noise coming from your mouth while you sleep. This is one of the biggest signs that you are grinding your teeth at night. Teeth grinding can begin at any stage in your adult life and can become increasingly active with stress.

Flexible Super Hard Night Guard


The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States. Free Storage Case 90-Day Warranty

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Migraines are tough enough to deal with without having your teeth hurt. Many dentists will prescribe a night guard to keep your teeth safe at night. Custom night guards are worn at night and are designed to prevent your teeth from grinding together or your jaw from clenching. When worn every night, this safety device will severely cut down on the chances of creating migraine tooth pain.

Custom night guards can be very expensive through your dentist. SportingSmiles offers night guards at half the cost and you can receive yours without having to leave your home. By ordering your SportingSmiles impression kit, you’ll receive a custom night guard hand-crafted and designed to prevent teeth grinding and jaw-clenching headaches. It’s one less trigger for a migraine. SportingSmiles offers six different types of night guards each designed to prevent an element of teeth grinding. You’ll be able to sleep comfortably at night and wake up refreshed without the risk of a headache or sensitive teeth.

If you are still experiencing migraine tooth pain while wearing a custom night guard, we encourage you to reach out to your primary health doctor. Wearing a night guard for protection against teeth grinding and clenching will help with headaches associated with those habits, but it won’t help if your migraines are caused by other factors. Check with your doctor if your migraines are persistent even after protecting yourself with a teeth-grinding guard.

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