Many adults suffer from Bruxism or TMJ (temporomandibular joint) which makes them clench or grind their teeth/jaw while they sleep. It’s a serious condition that can cause pain, oral issues, and serious dental repairs if not properly treated and prevented. How do you know if you have bruxism and what does TMJ feel like? We’re here to break down the symptoms and what you might experience if you deal with them.
Tossing and turning throughout the night or waking up with morning headaches are common themes when it comes to bruxism. There are a few red flags and symptoms that you can look for when determining on if you grind your teeth at night. But, what does TMJ feel like?
During the process of TMJ, your jaw exerts an enormous amount of force and pressure on your teeth. If you want to experience the feeling, clench your teeth together and slowly move your jaw muscles so your teeth go back and forth. Only do this for a second because this is how TMJ feels. It’s an uncomfortable feeling, right? Imagine that feeling for hours and you’ll quickly understand how dangerous bruxism can be to your oral health.
Your teeth will grow sore and may be worn down after years of teeth grinding. This exposes nerves that will need to be repaired by your dentist. When your nerves are exposed you may become extra sensitive to hot or cold foods which can help describe what does TMJ feel like. If you have extra sensitive teeth you may be grinding your teeth at night.
Flexible Super Hard Night Guard
The Flexible Super Hard Night Guard is the strongest night guard available and is our No. 1 seller. Protect your mouth from severe teeth grinding and clenching with this teeth guard. Order online and take the impression at home saving hundreds over going to the dentist. Impression kit included. Free Shipping in the United States.…
Another answer to what does TMJ feel like is muscle pain located in your jaw joints. When you clench your jaw together, the muscles constantly are at work. After some time, they will become tired and signal to your brain that they are stressed. These stress signals come in pain and exhaustion. If you are feeling like your jaw joints and muscles are worn out or tired that’s a big sign of bruxism. When the muscles and joints are tired, they will radiate to other areas of your head which result in headaches that you typically get in the morning. These are all symptoms of TMJ.
What does TMJ feel like? It feels like soreness in the teeth, aches in the jaw muscles, and extra sensitivity to hot or cold foods. Knowing the signs of bruxism can help determine a good oral preventative plan for preventing teeth grinding. If you believe you suffer from TMJ or want to avoid it, your best bet is to wear a custom night guard while you sleep.

Your dentist may craft you one but that will come at a high price with the need to schedule visits and have impressions of your teeth created. SportingSmiles has been in business since 2009 crafting premium custom night guards that are designed to prevent TMJ. By ordering the patented impression kit, you’ll create easy at-home impressions and then ship them back to SportingSmiles with the free 3-way shipping.
Our dental lab techs will craft you the same night guard your dentist would but at half the cost and with no need to schedule any visits. These night guards help prevent teeth grinding and protect your teeth against oral issues associated with clenching and bruxism. Don’t wait to find out what TMJ feels like, and wear a custom night guard while you sleep!