Teeth are extraordinary tools. They have many different useful functions that we use almost every moment of the day. Your teeth will help you form words as your tongue presses against them. They protect your tongue from severe damage, and, of course, they break down food into smaller bites so you can digest it easier. It’s important to keep your teeth in the best health possible to continue to do these daily tasks. Sometimes you’ll wake up and wonder “Why do my teeth hurt when I wake up?”. In this article, we’ll discuss a few theories and solutions for you on this troublesome issue.
Let’s start by examining a few potential reasons why your teeth may hurt when you wake up starting by what you put into your mouth. One of the most popular snacks before bed is popcorn. While delicious, popcorn can also be messy with all the butter and salt, but the real mess happens in your mouth. Popcorn is notorious for kernels and these slivers of the shell of the kernels can get wedged and stuck in the crevices of your teeth causing severe pain when unaccounted for. Waking up and wondering why do my teeth hurt when I wake up may come from the food you eat before bed. Be wary of what you’re putting into your mouth before you fall asleep. A popcorn kernel or other food can become wedged into your teeth causing distress and making your teeth hurt.
Poor oral health can cause you in the morning to think why do my teeth hurt when I wake up? If you are not properly taking care of your teeth by brushing, flossing, and cleaning them daily, that can lead to cavities. A cavity is a permanently damaged section on the surface of the tooth. The tooth starts to decay from bacteria left in the mouth from food particles and sugary drinks. When these particles aren’t removed, they start to cause cavities that can hurt your teeth. If you have cavities, you should generally feel them throughout the day, not just when you wake up.
Perhaps, the most logical issue for your teeth hurting when you wake up is teeth grinding. This is a dangerous oral habit that is triggered by stress and anxiety. When you sleep, your body will decompress from the day and react to emotions and feelings that have never been properly dealt with on a subconscious level. If you’ve been dealing with stressful situations at work, school, financially, or in relationships, your body may be reacting to it while you sleep. Your body will release this stress subconsciously by grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep.
Flexible Super Hard
Dual Laminate
Single Soft
Single Hard
Why do my teeth hurt when I wake up? It’s likely due to you grinding your teeth at night. The effects from grinding or clenching can be felt in your teeth, and jaw joints, and sometimes it radiates to your temples and head, giving you a headache. The best way to prevent this habit is to protect yourself so it doesn’t happen. Wearing a custom night guard while you sleep is your best defense. These oral devices are crafted for maximum comfort and will protect your teeth by adding a barrier for your teeth.
When your teeth grind together, they are chipped, cracked, and can be worn down exposing your nerves. Teeth that are damaged will need to be repaired or fixed by a dentist. This will be a very expensive bill ranging in the thousands. To avoid that, you’ll want to wear a night guard. This will give your teeth a defense while you sleep so you can avoid your teeth hurting when you wake up.
You could get a custom night guard from the dentist, but that could be hundreds of dollars and require multiple visits. There are other options for night guards. SportingSmiles has been crafting premium night guards since 2009 with our patented impression kit. By ordering from SportingSmiles you’ll receive an impression kit that you’ll use to take easy-at-home impressions and ship them back with the free 3-way shipping. Our expert dental lab techs can craft you one of six different night guards depending on the severity of your clenching or grinding and whether you want the back cut option.
Stop wondering why do my teeth hurt when I wake up, and start protecting them! Wear a night guard while you sleep, watch what you eat before bed, and make sure you’re cleaning your teeth every day. These steps will go a long way to keeping your teeth healthy and happy!